BatMUD Ships, The Manual

Melemkor Yynxi


Table of Contents

1. Welcome to the world of shipbuilding!
Commands of shipyard
1) Quests
2) Detailed job info
3) Depositing materials
4) Depositing magical items
5) Depositing money
6) Selecting a ship
7) Selecting a job
8) During the job
9) Finishing the job
10) Celebrate
2. Shipquests
Cannoneer quarters
Defense quarters
Sailor quarters
3. Job information

Chapter 1. Welcome to the world of shipbuilding!

Commands of shipyard

The following commands are available:

  • shipquests [quest] - See quests you have completed, or can start. Also, get details on what the quest provides for you.

  • job <list/info/allow/start> [jobname]

    • List jobs you know how to do.

    • Get details on a particular job or jobs, e.g. 'job info create' or 'job info create, create, console'.

    • See what jobs you are allowed to do on the current ship.

    • Start work on a particular job.

  • material <name> - Deposit materials to be used on a job.

  • special <jobname> <item> - Deposit a magical item, to be used on a job.

  • credit <amt> - Deposit <amt> credits.

  • check - See what materials/specials/credits you have stockpiled.

  • orders - List the ships you have been given permission to work on.

  • create - Start work on a brand new ship (requires the 'create' job).

  • select <shipname> - Start working on a particular ship.

  • update - Check the status of the current job.

  • continue - Get the workers back to work, if you've been idle too long.

  • abort - Abort the current job.

  • shipname <name> - Specify the name of a new ship. No spaces allowed.

  • modules <name> - List the installed modules on the named ship.

  • send <player> [material/special] <type> <amt> - Send materials or specials to another player's shipyard. eg: send melemkor material oak 10

  • guest <name> - Toggle whether someone may enter your room.

Most of these commands are explained in detail in the 'guide'.


Your job here is to direct the dock workers in the construction of the ship itself. As such, 'shipbuilding' is a skill that is checked periodically but never actually used. There is nothing preventing you from giving orders to the crew and then leaving, as your shipbuilding skill will be recorded - however, the longer you are away, the less disciplined the workers will become (i.e. your effective shipbuilding skill will continue to drop until you return).

Each major task during the construction of a ship is broken down into a 'job'. You may do the creation job to make a new ship, or perform other jobs on ships you are the captain of, or perform specific jobs you have been authorized to do by a ship's captain (visit the law office in the Maritime Authority for more details).

In order to learn how to do a particular job, you have to have a sufficiently high shipbuilding skill, and you must complete a quest (generally whomever you are doing the quest for will then teach you what you need to know). Once you have completed the quest, you never need to do it again, even if you reinc.

Jobs will also require a materials investment. By and large, the materials used will be types of wood, but you can also expect to use metals (for braces, nails, etc) and cloths (for sails), and perhaps some magical items (which have their magic drained into the ship to provide reinforcement or special abilities).

Finally, you need to pay the workers, so there will be a monetary cost as well. These are managed through credits, which may either be deposited here or at the finance office in the Maritime Authority. At the finance office, you may also transfer credits from someone else.

Be aware that unexpected events may happen during work on a ship, either beneficial or detrimental. Sometimes you will need to have materials on hand in order to take advantage of a beneficial event, or to try to mollify a detrimental one, so it is advisable to keep extra supplies in storage.

1) Quests

To find out what quests you are eligible for, type 'shipquests'. You will receive a listing of all the quests you have completed, plus the names of quests that you meet the requirements for starting. You may type 'shipquests <questname>' to get information about what jobs you will be able to do upon finishing the quest; if you have already finished the quest, it will give you some details about the corresponding aspect of the ship. The requirements for starting a quest are xxx% in shipbuilding, and having completed the quest yyy. For example, you will not see the 'crows_nest' quest until you have a skill of 40% and have completed the 'class_2' quest. You never have to do a quest twice, even if you reinc.

NOTE: If you complete a quest, then drop below the minimum % of shipbuilding that was required, you will still keep the quest, but you will not be able to do any of the associated jobs.

2) Detailed job info

You may type 'job list' to get a list of the jobs that you know how to do. Then, you may type 'job info <jobname>' to get details on what you need to do for a particular job. For example, 'job info create' (once you have completed the initial quest) will tell you what materials and magical items you will need in storage, as well as how much you can expect to have to pay to the workers over the course of building the ship. Keep in mind, this does not include possible overages you may incur due to special events.

3) Depositing materials

Once you know what materials you need, you can start depositing them. This is done with the 'material <name>' command (e.g. 'material wood' to deposit the first piece of wood you have in your inventory). The material is processed and converted into a number of 'kilo's (fractions of a kilo are rounded down, so make sure the chunks are large enough to be worthwhile). One kilogram of divinely refined material is equal to one 'kilo', while less refined materials result in much lower yields.

4) Depositing magical items

If you need any specials magical items, you can deposit them with the 'special <jobname> <item>' command (e.g. 'specials create ring' to deposit a ring with +3str or +3con). The items are checked to make sure they meet or exceed the requirements (you could deposit a +10 con necklace if you wanted, even if you only needed a +3 con item), taken and drained (you do not get the drained version back). Any other bonuses (or penalties) aside from the required stat have no effect (a +3 con -10 wis amulet works just as well). Note that you must specify the job name, as one item may qualify to be used on multiple different jobs.

5) Depositing money

Then, you may deposit any credits you need with the 'credit <amt>' command. Any transfers you received from the finance office will be reflected here.

6) Selecting a ship

You may now either choose to start work on a brand new ship with the 'create' command, or you may start work on an existing ship with the 'select <shipname>' command (you may only select ships on which you are allowed to work, and which are not currently in the game).

7) Selecting a job

You may type 'job allow' to see what jobs you are allowed to do on the current ship; or 'job start <jobname>' to begin work on a job. You have until reboot to finish a job; if it is not done in that length of time, all materials used will be wasted, and the ship will revert to its initial state.

8) During the job

Periodically, your workers will check in with you for advice. If you are not present, they will try to get by for a while. If you are gone for too long, they will stop work. If this happens, you may type 'continue' to get them working again. Also, events may occur during the building process which you may only have a limited amount of time to respond to (you will be given your options when that occurs). If you do not respond, some default action will occur.

9) Finishing the job

When the job is finished, the ship is released, ready to be summoned. The exception is for a new ship. At this point, you will be asked to provide a name for the ship, and you will be granted command. Keep in mind that a ship is pretty much worthless without a crew; you will probably want to visit the Sailor's Union at the other end of the harbor to hire some.

10) Celebrate

CONGRATULATIONS! Your work has paid off in a new improvement for a ship, or perhaps even in a brand new ship, ready to take on the world's waterways.

Chapter 2. Shipquests


This quest will allow you to add a console to the ship's helm, that provides statistics on the ship. Berthram is the creator of the console box. He travels a lot, but is known to frequent the Moose Head Inn. Find him and ask him about the box.

Moose Head Inn is located in Village of Shrea. Look for "gnomish traveller sitting by the fire". He'll refer you to a certain warrior .. namely The Black Knight of Arthur.

This quest is one of the most idiotic and moronic ones, since it does not give any kind of hint about what you actually must do to get the blood sample. There is no syntax provided .. instead you must somehow bend your brain to "use cannibalize" at one of the loose bodyparts of the Knight.


You know how to install a console into a ship. This involves running wires throughout the ship's hull and up the masts. These then pass along information to the main box, which is accessible at the helm. A fundamental device, this should be attached to almost every ship that is not purely for show.

Allowed job: add_console

Allowed quests: none


Completing this quest allows you to build cabins where a captain may go to relax. Ask Darvenport about cabin.


This quest teaches you how to install cargo holds into a ship. There is a lot of construction going on at a mansion near the mountains. Help them out with their project, and along the way you should find someone who will be able to teach you what you want to know.

The hinted area is no longer around mountains (the hint is for the old BatWorld), and is Rillion's castle, which is also known as "Mansion".


Cargo holds are very useful on ships, since they provide a safe place to drop stuff. Each cargo hold can store approximately 900 kg. Some ships have more room that they can devote to cargo storage than others.

Allowed jobs: add_cargo_hold, remove_cargo_hold

Allowed quest: galley

Cannoneer quarters

Completing this quest allows you to add and remove cannoneers' quarters. Ask the trainer in Silver Lake about cannoneer quarters.


This quest teaches you how to build a ship's lounge, where people may rest and relax. Ask Ralph about lounges.

Defense quarters

This quest teaches you how to add defense magi quarters on a ship, thereby allowing you to hire those magi from a trainer. There is a kindly old taskmaster that you can ask about 'defense magi'.

The referred taskmaster is Newbie taskmaster.



You know how to expand a class 1 ship into a class 2. This involves adding more structural supports to the ship, expanding the deck, and the overall hull size. As a result of the increased size, the ship can support many more features, can travel through the sea safely, but can no longer squeeze through the narrow channels of the swamps. This is the standard class of ship.

Class 2 ships may support:
  2 sets of crew quarters
    - maximum of 2 sets of sailors' quarters
    - maximum of 1 set of cannoneers' quarters
  captain's cabin
    - maximum of 1 bookcase
  1 cargo hold
  crow's nest
  informative console
  maximum of 8 cannons

Allowed job: raise_2

Allowed quests: class3, sailor_quarters, cabin, cargo, nest



Class 3 ships are the smallest of the 'luxury' line of ships, but are still a lot bigger than class 2s. With the larger crew, the ability to add mages, and the sleeker design, there is no ship faster than a class 3.

Class 3 ships may support:
  8 sets of crew quarters
    - maximum of 3 sets of sailors' quarters
    - maximum of 1 set of cannoneers' quarters
    - maximum of 3 sets of speed magi's quarters
    - maximum of 2 sets of lift magi's quarters
    - maximum of 1 set of defense magi's quarters
  captain's cabin
    - maximum of 2 bookcases
  2 cargo holds
  crow's nest
  informative console
  maximum of 12 cannons

Allowed job: raise_3

Allowed quests: class4, lounge



Class 4 ships are the midsize luxury ships. They are larger and hence slower than class 3s, but with the greater crew complement may make up most of the difference. They excell in storage capacity, and can potentially be used as mobile refineries.

Class 4 ships may support:
  15 sets of crew quarters
    - maximum of 4 sets of sailors' quarters
    - maximum of 2 sets of cannoneers' quarters
    - maximum of 4 sets of speed magi's quarters
    - maximum of 4 sets of lift magi's quarters
    - maximum of 2 sets of defense magi's quarters
    - maximum of 2 sets of assault magi's quarters
  captain's cabin
    - maximum of 4 bookcases
  5 cargo holds
  crow's nest
  teleportation chamber
  informative console
  maximum of 16 cannons

Allowed jobs: raise_4, lower_3

Allowed quests: teleporter, class5

Sailor quarters


You know how to do construction inside of a ship without damaging the integrity of the hull. This allows you to add or remove sailors' quarters below decks. As you gain more training along this path, you will be able to affect more things.

Allowed jobs: add_sailor_quarters, remove_sailor_quarters

Allowed quests: cannoneer_quarters, speed_quarters, defense_quarters

Chapter 3. Job information

Note that materials may be used up at different rates for different jobs; this is due to the fact that some jobs require more work than simply slapping together some supplies.


This job allows you to create a new ship. All ships start out as class 1 ships, and may be upgraded into other types through future jobs.

  Material              Kilos
  -------------------- ------
  Cedar                    60
  Ebony                    35
  Iron                     25
  Mahogany                 40
  Oak                      45
  Titanium                 25
  Wood                    250
  • Special item: Any item that gives at least +3 con or +3 str.

  • Workers: 1

  • The job will take 12 shifts (approx 36 minutes)

  • Each worker is paid 500 credits per shift.

  • Total cost: 6000 credits.


This job allows you to upgrade a ship from class 1 to class 2, allowing many more features.

  Material              Kilos
  -------------------- ------
  Birch                    50
  Brass                    30
  Cloth                    40
  Glass                    35
  Iron                     50
  Mallorn                  80
  Oak                     135
  Slate                    10
  Titanium                 50
  Wood                    400
  • Special item: Any item that gives at least +5 wis or +5 dex.

  • Workers: 4

  • The job will take 23 shifts (approx 69 minutes)

  • Each worker is paid 500 credits per shift.

  • Total cost: 46000 credits.


Upgrade a ship from class 2 to class 3, allowing more room for features.

  Material              Kilos
  -------------------- ------
  Birch                    50
  Brass                    30
  Cedar                    60
  Cloth                    40
  Ebony                    35
  Emerald                  20
  Glass                    35
  Iron                     25
  Laen                     25
  Mahogany                 40
  Mallorn                  40
  Steel                    40
  Titanium                 40
  Wood                    250
  Zhentorium               30
  • Special item: Any item that gives at least +7 int or +7 wis.

  • Workers: 50

  • The job will take 40 shifts (approx 120 minutes)

  • Each worker is paid 500 credits per shift.

  • Total cost: 1000000 credits.


Upgrade a ship from class 3 to class 4, allowing more room for crew and rooms.

  Material              Kilos
  -------------------- ------
  Adamantium               35
  Bloodstone               40
  Cloth                    40
  Ebony                    35
  Glass                    35
  Gold                     30
  Highsteel                35
  Mahogany                 40
  Mallorn                  40
  Obsidian                 40
  Platinum                 70
  Titanium                 50
  Wood                    250
  • Special item: Any item that gives at least +4 hpr or +4 dam.

  • Workers: 60

  • The job will take 40 shifts (approx 120 minutes)

  • Each worker is paid 500 credits per shift.

  • Total cost: 1200000 credits.


Adds a new set of sailors' quarters to a ship. You may not exceed the maximum allowed number of quarters for a particular class.

  Material              Kilos
  -------------------- ------
  Wood                    100
  • Special item: none.

  • Workers: 4

  • The job will take 2 shifts (approx 6 minutes)

  • Each worker is paid 500 credits per shift.

  • Total cost: 4000 credits.


Removes a set of sailors quarters from a ship, presumably to make room for another type of crew. A ship must always have at least one set of sailors' quarters, and you may not 'evict' crewmembers through this job.

  Material              Kilos
  -------------------- ------
  Wood                     50
  • Special item: none.

  • Workers: 4

  • The job will take 2 shifts (approx 6 minutes)

  • Each worker is paid 500 credits per shift.

  • Total cost: 4000 credits.


This job allows you to attach a console to the ship, with an interface at the helm, that provides important information about the overall state of the ship.

  Material              Kilos
  -------------------- ------
  Iron                     25
  Wood                     50
  • Special item: A console box.

  • Workers: 2

  • The job will take 3 shifts (approx 9 minutes)

  • Each worker is paid 500 credits per shift.

  • Total cost: 3000 credits.


Adds a cargo hold to a ship. Each cargo hold can hold approximately 900 kg worth of items. Different ship classes may have different numbers of cargo holds.

  Material              Kilos
  -------------------- ------
  Glass                    35
  Lead                     30
  Titanium                 25
  Wood                    100
  • Special item: none.

  • Workers: 4

  • The job will take 10 shifts (approx 30 minutes)

  • Each worker is paid 500 credits per shift.

  • Total cost: 20000 credits.


Not all classes of luxury ships can support the same number of cargo holds, so it is possible that you will need to remove some in order to change a ship's class.

  Material              Kilos
  -------------------- ------
  Wood                     50
  • Special item: none.

  • Workers: 2

  • The job will take 2 shifts (approx 6 minutes)

  • Each worker is paid 500 credits per shift.

  • Total cost: 2000 credits.