WindowMaker systemd graphical-session user unit on Debian Testing/Bookworm

As far as I know, WindowMaker and other basic window managers on Debian do not provide the systemd "", at least as of this writing (Jun 2022). Thus we need to bodge one in so that things depending on the target will start as expected and not before.

Create file /etc/systemd/user/ (or $HOME/.config/systemd/user/ with contents:

Description=WindowMaker session

Then, to start the unit, we can utilize WindowMaker's autostart file. Unfortunately it seems (?) that there is no global equivalent for it, so it has to be user-specific. If not already existing, create file $HOME/GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker/autostart with contents:

systemctl --user start

The file may already exist and contain other things, just add the systemctl line as first line then. If the file did not exist, remember to set executable permission:

chmod u+x $HOME/GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker/autostart

Now you need to systemctl --user daemon-reload and restart your session. You can check the status of the unit working via systemctl --user status, and systemctl --user list-dependencies If they aren't working, rebooting may help.


I wish this was implemented by default on "simple" window managers, but alas it is not. There is a Debian bug #1003816 for i3 regarding the same topic, but nothing has come of it.